An effective way to share figures with stakeholders


Biotech company Pharming, headquartered in Leiden, has investors and shareholders all over the world. In order to share annual and quarterly figures, the company has been using webinars since 2019. They save an enormous amount of time. Pharming, which has developed a technology regarding human proteins, has partners all over the world. Each quarter, investors and shareholders receive updates on figures and further developments of the company. In the past, the CEO personally visited a number of stakeholders, but that took a lot of time and energy. Moreover, it was never possible to visit everyone. These were the main reasons for choosing webinars.

Partner since 2019

Together with Online Seminar, Pharming organised a first webinar at the beginning of 2019 to announce the annual figures of 2018. This was followed by a new webinar every quarter for the announcement of the quarterly results. During the webinar, Pharming CEO Sijmen de Vries and CFO Robin Wright present the state of affairs and financial results. It’s followed by an interview, in which they go into more detail on important developments of the past period.

‘’Online Seminar has proven to be a trustworthy, efficient and inventive partner for Pharming Group’s online communications. Our experience has been stellar and we look forward to a productive partnership in the future.”
Susanne Embleton, corporate communications officer

Full service approach

The full service approach was a major plus point for Pharming. The webinar takes place on location or at Online Seminar in the studio. Pharming wants to be flexible in terms of time and location. Our crew goes to the place where they want to record. The company wants a professional image, which we deliver by recording the webinar with a professional team. Finally, they want good advice about the presentation itself: how can the webinar get better and better? Our team is ready to support them

The big win of the webinars? Time. The webinars provide an enormous efficiency boost. Previously, the CEO and CFO made a quarterly 'tour': they went to visit the most important stakeholders and easily spent a few weeks on them. Moreover, it was never possible to visit all investors and shareholders. With the webinar they reach everyone and they save a lot of time because they only have to spend a day preparing and recording. Time they can now spend on the company. The reactions of shareholders are also very positive. They can view the webinar at a time that suits them, which is a big advantage for those with busy schedules.

The facts

  • Partner since 2018
  • Considerable time gain: personal visits no longer necessary
  • Pharming reaches all shareholders and stakeholders, instead of a limited number
  • Full service
  • Our crew broadcasts on location

  • Want to know more?

    Contact us

    Rico Hoeboer

    What we can bring you

    Global webinars, virtual events and online congresses

    In-depth knowledge portals to position yourself as a true thought leader

    A meaningful digital dialogue through chats, polls and test questions

    Intuitive, easy-to-use software for engaging experiences

    Data mining and analytics for valuable insights