Knowledge platforms

Knowledge platforms

Knowledge platforms are on the rise within the pharmaceutical industry. How can these platforms increase the thought leadership of your company? And what are key success factors to build a relevant platform? If your company has or is considering a knowledge platform, this is what you need to know.

Within the health care industry, there is an increasing demand for digital information. As research by consultancy firm Across Health shows, there is a gap between the knowledge needs of doctors when it comes to online information, and what is actually offered by the pharmaceutical industry. This digital divide especially exists within the field of educational information. The divide is large: 60% of doctors indicate they prefer online information, while only 15% of educational information is offered this way.

How do knowledge platforms add value?

Knowledge platforms are an interesting way to fill that gap. They provide independent, diverse information that is relevant to healthcare professionals. They serve as a form of industry magazine, with specialized information on a niche topic, for instance on oncology. It is well-worth considering to create creating a knowledge platform as a pharmaceutical company.

Access to data

When you create your own platform, you have detailed data at hand. A visitor usually will have an account, which means that you can track every step. It means that you know what topics your target audience is most interested in and what type of content is popular. If you invest in diving into the data, it is of benefit to other areas of the business as well.

Easing the work for sales reps

One of those areas - which often is not considered - is sales representation. With a platform, you gain valuable information on health care professionals and their interests, which sales reps in turn can use in their daily practice. Plus, knowledge platforms can reach professionals who are not attending seminars – professionals that are harder to reach for sales reps. This way, a knowledge platform can ease the workload of sales reps substantially.

What makes a knowledge platform successful?

To make a knowledge platform successful, it is crucial to treat it as an independent news medium or industry magazine. It requires the same amount of attention: regular, preferably daily, updates; high-end, independent content and a variety of topics offered as videos, articles and webinars. Webinars are one of the most fascinating tools within a knowledge platform. A webinar is an opportunity to engage with your audience directly and create valuable data at the same time. If you can get key opinion leaders within the industry on your platform, for instance by giving a webinar, you can be sure of traffic.

A knowledge platform: the investment

Admittedly, a knowledge platform does require an investment. It needs to be built, maintained and promoted. However, companies that do offer a high-end platform reap the benefits. You will be considered a thought leader within your industry. It is one of the most sustainable ways within the online paradigm to build your brand and engage with your audience. Plus, it is lifelong learning at its finest.

Becoming the go-to channel for your target market

We expect to see a rise of knowledge platforms in the future. When executed with care and focus, knowledge platforms are the premium way to engage online with your target audience and have direct access to data.

Success stories

How together we achieve ambitions, overcome obstacles and achieve results.

University Medical Center Utrecht

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